What's going on this week? -September 9 Softball Home w/Rock Creek @ 4:00 JH/V, Baseball Home @4:00 -September 10 Academic Team @ Atoka Baseball Home w/ Whitesboro @ 4:00 pm -September 12 Softball @ Milburn @ 4:30 JH/V, Baseball @ Whitesboro @ 4:00
5 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with colorful background with text for article
23-24 yearbooks will be handed out this afternoon. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Payne. If you ordered a yearbook and are no longer attending Clayton Schools, your yearbook is located in the HS or Elementary Offices. **We have a limited number of extra yearbooks to sell for $40 each.
5 months ago, Amy Payne
23-24 Yearbooks
We want to give a huge shoutout to Mr. Hahn and Mr. Alexander for their incredible work installing new security signage, cameras, and upgraded access control systems over the summer. Their efforts are making a big difference in keeping our Clayton Public Schools community safe. Thank you for your dedication! 🙌🔒📹
5 months ago, Clayton Public School
collage of pictures from school grounds
Duct tape wallets made by some of the 4H members. These can be entered in the county fair coming up September 18th-21st
5 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with pictures of students making a duct tape wallet with text from article
JOM/Title VI Committee Meeting September 17th, 2024 @Clayton Elementary Stem Room 3:30PM
5 months ago, Clayton Public School
flyer with text from article
3rd and 4th grade made a kindness blanket for a lady in our community.
5 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with collage of photos from 3rd and 4th grade making and showing blanket
Softball @ Achille 4:30pm HS/JV Baseball vs Bokoshe 4:30pm HS/JV
5 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with schedule and picture of softball and baseball
Clayton Athletics Media Day September 4th, 2pm in the Gym. Angie Holiman (photographer) from First Bank will be here Wednesday September 4th at 2:00pm to take pictures of all HS Baseball, Softball, Basketball and Cheerleading teams. The pictures will be used to create banners that will be displayed in the gym. It is important that all HS students participating in any of these programs be in attendance. There will be no retake or makeup date due to time constraints. BJ Beaird Clayton Athletics
5 months ago, Clayton Public School
Elementary Star Students for the month of August!!!
5 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with pictures of august star students
Labor Day No School Monday, September 02
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with flag, fireworks, and tools with text saying happy labor day
On Tuesday August 27th the Clayton FFA officer team traveled to McAlester Oklahoma to attend the annual Southeast area COLT conference. Left to right on the back row Bethany Brown Clayton Agriculture Education Instructor/ FFA advisor, Cheyanne Whitlock-Clayton FFA treasurer, Adalynn Dennis-Clayton FFA Sentinel, Breylynn Roberts Clayton FFA Secretary, Karsyn Jones Clayton FFA reporter. Front row from left to right is Kayla Poling- President of Oklahoma State FFA officer team, Samatha Butler-Clayton FFA president, and Titus Montgomery Southeast area Vice president Oklahoma State FFA officer team. Not pictured is our Clayton FFA Vice president Scarlet Vivyan
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
flyer with picture of ffa members
We will be offering a Hunter Education class for 5th through 8th graders. The class will be held during 6th and 7th hour, starting on September 3, and will span approximately two weeks. Contact Mrs. Peterson or Coach Beaird
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with forest in background with text from article
All high school cheerleaders will need to report to the gym at lunch on 08/28/24 to get uniforms. I will provide lunch. If anyone has an questions please reach out to me smcdaniel@clayton.k12.ok.us. Thank you, Ms. Sharona
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with text from description and different color background
REMINDER: Senior & Individual Pictures, Tuesday, August 27
6 months ago, Amy Payne
The high school game for Monday, August 26 has been cancelled by Soper. The high school team will instead travel to Hayworth and play at 4:00 pm. Following the conclusion of that game, the team will play Eagletown for their next game.
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with baseball background with text mirroring the post
Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd grade music students showing off their singing talent during music class this week.
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
picture with 4 photos from music class
Clayton School Fall Carnival! The Clayton School Fall Carnival is scheduled to take place on October 31st 5:30PM - 7:30PM. The event will feature a variety of activities, including a Bingo game starting at 6PM, a costume contest, and a duck pond among other attractions. Hope to see you there!
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
image with info on clayton school fall carnival
Baseball Fundraiser! Come support the Clayton Bulldogs Baseball Team this Friday & Saturday Aug. 23rd & 24th at the Southern Lark restaurant in Clayton. Order Coach Potts favorite breakfast sandwich and a portion of proceeds goes to the team.
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
Flyer with baseball background with text from article
Baseball Bracket! 16th Annual Todd Sampson Memorial Tournament Aug. 22-24
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
image showing baseball bracket
Softball Bracket! 2024 Rock Creek Invitational Tournament August 22-24
6 months ago, Clayton Public School
image shows softball schedule  bracket
image shows softball schedule  bracket page 2